The toughest of all the TecDura self-adhesive protection systems
For long term temporary use of up to 12 months. Duramat is made from a woven geotextile which makes it 10 x stronger than the non-woven variety.
TecDura systems fill a very important gap in the market. Historical formats of surface protection have been used for decades with little progression. Through T.F.P.'s innovation and on site research we have developed the TecDura range. Our primary product is a revolutionary, temporary, heavy duty covering that protects finished surfaces from construction site damage and spills whilst contributing to a safer working environment.
Tecdura is simple to apply. The Product Guide gives full and coherent instructions on application and use, which if followed will ensure that there will be no problems from start to finish.
For long term temporary use of up to 12 months. Duramat is made from a woven geotextile which makes it 10 x stronger than the non-woven variety.
For longer term temporary use of up to 12 months, the heavy duty peel and protect, self-adhesive geotextile mat provides construction strength protection.
Open out restricted areas with Voidex. A unique, light weight temporary manhole cover that has been designed to fit a standard sized manhole cover. Lock in and leave.
Whether it's a work boot scratch on a timber floor or paint, plaster and grout spillages drying to kitchen counters and windows; the cleaning up and repairing process can be a painful and time consuming task. Not to mention the money spent replacing the material if it can't be repaired.
In fact, if you were to ask anyone what their biggest turn off for starting their own refurbishment or D.I.Y project would be you can guarantee you will get 2 replies:
Most construction workers or serious D.I.Y'ers will actually enjoy the physical act of painting, plastering, sawing, varnishing… but they want to get started quickly and they want to finish cleanly. Think back to your days of trying to tape newspaper to the floor, using dustsheets that would reveal soaked through stains when you removed them or even the dreaded plastic sheeting which conspired to trip you up at every move of your ladder!
Check out some of the practical application success stories involving TecDura site protection products.
TecDura Voidex is a unique, lightweight, temporary manhole cover that has been designed to withstand an 4 tonne central loading point.
For long term temporary use of up to 12 months, the peel and protect, self-adhesive geotextile mat provides construction strength protection.